Dofus Wiki
NPC Details
Area Incarnam
Holly Brock
Location Way of Souls
Coords [1,-3]
Details Next to Incarnam Resource Marketplace
Options Talk

Holly Brock is an NPC.



Offering quality items at the right price, that's the secret of an honest trader.

Find out about the merchant adventurers

Wandering heroes gather many different resources on their travels. Some don't want to use these materials and prefer to sell them for kamas. They do this by going to the market or even setting up somewhere as a street peddler.
Artisans can also offer the fruits of their labour to their customers using these two methods

Keep listening.

Adventurers with items for sale can be recognised by the full sack they place in front of them. They can generally be found in the marketplace, but you can encounter them virtually anywhere.

Thank her for all her help and set off.


Features in