Dofus Wiki
NPC Details
Area Kwismas Island
Coords (-35,-84)
Options Talk

Troispattes is an NPC.



Hello, you're in the jails of rayconciliation. In the past, thay inhabitants of Kwismas Island were faced with a violent conflict against Djaul's Followers. Since way're nice, we daycided to offer them thay Amaknayans thay chance to make up for thay errors of their ancestors. That's why, by placing the right payple on thay right slabs and allowing kwismas nutcrackers to rayconciliate themselbes with Djaul's followers, the grill will open.

Ask for clues.

Just like the kwismas nutcrackers and Djaul's followers, you onlay have a little brain, but don't worray. Aych column corresponds to type of crayture. To open the grill, you have to remeber that thayse craytures are linked to the kwismas spirir. In fact, I fayl so sorray for you, I'm going to give you one last tip: the direction the payple on each slab are facing is linked to the kwismas spirit. If you manage to get to thay other side of this grill, you won't be able to rayturn until one whole day has gone by. Now, get out of hayre, you littel rascal.

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